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    Welcome to my playground! Since 2017, I've been coding up a storm, but that elusive "Portfolio Website" remains a mythical creature. It's like trying to catch a digital unicorn! So, here's a peek into my digital adventures—unfinished, untamed, and always fun.
    Digital Creator | Web Developer
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    A tale of survival, overcoming doubts, and rediscovering the thrill of exploration. Join me on a quest for an unconventional life. Click to embark on this unique journey with me.
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    I Want to Visit All Provinces in the Philippines. Travel on Foot, Before I Turn 30.

    I Want to Visit All Provinces in the Philippines. Travel on Foot, Before I Turn 30.

    Before I reach the age of 30, I hope to embark on an adventure exploring the Philippines solely on foot. Picture me with a guitar strapped to my back and a baby stroller carrying my essentials to ease the load on my back. Of course, my trusty companion, Ceb the dog, will be by my side.

    I’ve been harboring this plan for quite some time, even during the pandemic. I purchased necessary gear, thinking about survival in remote places. The primary reason for acquiring a dog, particularly a Belgian breed, is the need for a vigilant companion with a keen sense of danger approaching.

    Since we don’t know what the future holds, I thought it best to let go of any eagerness to undertake such an adventure. Until recently, a spark of madness and the rekindling of my eagerness for adventure resurfaced.

    So, before I hit 30 years old, I aspire to make this ultimate adventure a reality—a journey that I can reflect on during tough times, work-related stress, and moments when nothing seems to make sense. The idea of traversing the entire Philippines serves as a respite. When asked why, I honestly don’t have a concrete answer. What I do know is that I want to lead an unconventional life, travel with purpose, seek solitude, and confront the less pleasant aspects of my past with acceptance and letting go. I feel that there is more to life than the routine grind: wake up, work for money to fund unnecessary luxuries, and borrow just to keep up with societal expectations.

    People are engrossed in various matters such as politics, societal norms, and the lives of others. However, it’s easy to forget that we don’t have an eternity in this world; our time here is limited, and someday, we will all pass away.

    Now, delving into the realm of instincts and the impulse to escape, I deeply connect with the idea of embracing the lifestyle of a wanderer, someone who travels predominantly on foot. Over the years, my inclination during challenging times has been to embark on a journey. In the past, it involved spending nights in public parks, spontaneously boarding random buses armed only with a cigarette and a wallet, or crashing at a friend’s apartment shared with five other guys. However, in the past year, a strong desire has emerged to pack my Everyday Carry backpack and set off, exploring, experiencing the country, and discovering if there’s a glimmer of true humanity amidst a world dominated by concrete and possessions.

    Equipped with essentials like a tent, a sleeping bag, a canine companion, and various necessities, along with my resourcefulness, industriousness, and cleverness, I feel confident about embracing the life of a wanderer. It would undoubtedly be a transition, but I believe it’s within the realm of possibility. Anything can be achieved.

    Yet, there are hindrances. I’ve grown close to people once again. Unlike the two-year period where I wasn’t deeply attached to anyone, I have a girlfriend whom I love dearly. The thought of leaving her behind pains me, although I can’t justify asking her to join me because I struggle to fully articulate this instinct. Only those who share this feeling can truly comprehend it. It’s like feeling lost in your own bed yet strangely at home in the state of being lost.

    There are still things I need to do, lessons to learn, and possessions to acquire before I can embark on this journey. But someday, my blog will be filled with stories of my adventures. Someday.

    By the way, that featured image above is the guy who already walked the world with a dog. It’s nice to know that someone is already living your dream.

    Break free from financial jealousy and define your path to success! Learn how to set realistic goals, create a budgeting plan, and celebrate small wins on your journey to financial freedom.
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    Understanding the Dangers of Financial Jealousy

    Understanding the Dangers of Financial Jealousy

    Do you ever find yourself scrolling through social media and feeling financially behind when you see a teenager or at your age with multiple houses, cars, and thousands of cash sitting on their desk? Do those feelings of financial jealousy leave you feeling insecure and demotivated? If so, you’re not alone. But here’s the thing: those feelings can be dangerous and end up costing you a lot in the long run.

    The Root Cause of Financial Jealousy and How to Overcome It

    Financial jealousy often stems from the belief that opportunities are limited. You may think that because someone else gained an opportunity that you don’t have yet, it completely disappears from the pool of available opportunities. You might believe that someone else’s success robs you of yours, and that there are only a few opportunities left for you. These thoughts can leave you feeling entitled to everything that everyone else has, and resentful when others achieve what you want.

    I used to feel this way for years. I thought that because someone else achieved something, I wouldn’t be able to do it anymore. I felt entitled to everything that everyone else had, and I didn’t want to have any less. So, I spent all my energy thinking about all the things that I didn’t have, and became blinded to my own skills, progress, and achievements. I was just playing to not lose, instead of planning to win.

    But here’s the thing: we feel financially jealous when we see someone with something that we want, and it creates a gap between where we currently are and where we dream of being. The way we can get over these feelings of insecurity and financial jealousy is to focus on how we react to this gap, both through our emotions and actions.

    Defining Personal Financial Goals for Long-Term Success

    As a young freelancer in my early 20s, I often found myself comparing my financial situation to others on social media. I used to feel jealous of those who seemed to have it all, but I’ve learned that everyone’s financial journey is different, and comparing myself to others will only hold me back from achieving my own financial goals.

    When I first started out as a freelancer, I struggled with defining my personal financial goals. It took me some time to realize that setting realistic financial targets for myself is crucial for long-term success. I needed to consider my expenses, savings goals, and retirement plans and set a budget that reflected my priorities.

    To stay motivated and on track towards my financial goals, I started tracking my progress regularly. I kept a record of my income and expenses, and reviewed them regularly to see where I could make improvements. Celebrating my small successes along the way helped keep me motivated towards my long-term financial goals.

    Creating a Budgeting Plan for Financial Success

    Creating and sticking to a budgeting plan is a crucial step in achieving financial success. By knowing exactly how much money you have coming in and going out each month, you can better allocate your resources, prioritize your spending, and identify areas where you can cut back. Start by tracking your expenses and income for a month, then categorize them into fixed expenses (e.g., rent, utilities), variable expenses (e.g., groceries, entertainment), and savings. From there, you can determine which expenses are essential and which ones you can reduce or eliminate. Consider using budgeting tools such as apps or spreadsheets to help you track your progress and stay on track. With a solid budgeting plan in place, you can take control of your finances and work towards your financial goals.

    Taking Control of Your Finances: Working Towards Your Own Goals

    To take control of your finances, you need to set your own goals and work towards them. Don’t compare yourself to others or get distracted by their achievements. Instead, focus on your own progress and celebrate your successes along the way. Remember that achieving financial independence is a journey, and it takes time and effort to get there. Stay committed to your goals and make consistent progress towards them, and you will eventually reach the financial freedom you desire.

    Unlock the secrets to ordering Starlink hassle-free! Learn to navigate the official website, choose the right plan, and overcome address challenges. Say goodbye to reseller markups!
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    guy adventure with starlink on sunrise in the mountains
    How to order Starlink from the Philippines, in 2 easy steps.
    guy adventure with starlink on sunrise in the mountains
    guy adventure with starlink on sunrise in the mountains

    How to order Starlink from the Philippines, in 2 easy steps.

    I’ll share with you how to order Starlink directly from their website to avoid potential scams and get a better deal compared to resellers who mark up the prices.

    You can do this on both your phone or desktop/laptop.

    Assessing the Need for Starlink:

    First, ask yourself if you really need Starlink. Check if it’s a necessity or just a trend. If you’re content with your current internet provider or if using your cellphone data is sufficient, you might not need Starlink. Consider your use case; if it’s for gaming, be aware that there could be times when the internet connection is unstable, affecting your gaming experience.

    1. Choosing the Right Starlink Option:

    Once you’re certain that Starlink is the solution for your internet needs, go to their official website: Starlink offers various hardware and subscription options, but this tutorial will focus on residential and roam options.

    So, which Starlink option should you choose? Both options have a one-time payment of 28,000 pesos for hardware, but they differ in subscription plans and use cases.

    Residential Option:

    • Ideal for permanent locations such as homes or businesses like coin-operated wifi.
    • Monthly subscription: 2,700 pesos.
    • Note: Choosing residential doesn’t mean your Starlink is permanently tied to one location. You can move it, but the process involves changing the location in the Starlink app. There’s uncertainty if it will work in the new location immediately due to potential slot limitations.

    Roam Option:

    • Suitable for those constantly on the move.
    • Monthly subscription: 3,300 pesos.
    • Convenient for suspending your subscription for a month or two if you don’t plan to use Starlink. No limit on suspension duration, and you can reactivate it at any time.
    • You can switch from Roam to Residential, but unsure if you can change from Residential to Roam.

    2. Ordering Process:

    Once you’ve made your choice, click on your preferred option, e.g., Residential, and proceed to set the service address for Starlink registration.

    The challenge is that your address might not appear in the search. If that happens, manually find your location on the map by choosing “Set location on map”.

    Adjusting the white circle. After setting the location, click the “Order Now” button, and you’ll be taken to the order page.

    Ordering Details:

    1. Service: Standard.
    2. Contact Information: Fill in the necessary details.
    3. Shipping Address: Provide the address for Starlink delivery.


    Ensure your chosen payment method (credit cards like Maya or GCash, BPI, Landbank, BDO) has sufficient balance for the monthly subscription.

    Confirmation and Instructions:

    After payment, check your email for instructions on setting up your account and downloading the Starlink app.


    In the rapidly changing landscape of internet connectivity, Starlink stands out as a revolutionary solution. It’s crucial to assess your individual needs before investing. Starlink is best suited for:

    1. Remote Areas: Breaking free from geographical remoteness.
    2. Mobile Lifestyles: Offering seamless connectivity for those on the move.
    3. Reliable Internet Users: Providing a stable, low-latency connection for gamers and professionals.

    In essence, Starlink transcends being just a satellite internet service; it’s a connectivity gateway, ensuring a reliable internet connection for users worldwide. As we navigate the digital landscape, Starlink serves as a beacon, bridging gaps and bringing the benefits of the online world to everyone, everywhere.

  • Still thinking about the layout 🫠

  • Who knows... Maybe I sell my own plugin or ready made blocks here.

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